LimitState software article in theGeotechnica magazine

In the January 2013 edition of theGeotechnica magazine, Dr Tom Pritchard (Senior Engineer at LimitState) describes why Computational Limit Analysis (CLA) is quickly becoming an indispensable tool for geotechnical engineers.

Some of the main points covered include how:

  • CLA can help for geometrically complex problems. Real-world problems often do not fit neatly into categories and behaviour can be significantly more complex than assumed in a simple analysis.
  • Nonstandard failure mechanisms, often more critical than simplified can be identified using CLA.
  • Tools utilizing CLA, such as LimitState:GEO, are compatible with the Eurocode 7 philosophy of 'problem agnostic' application of partial factors. 

Read theGeotechnica January 2013 issue.

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