LimitState software uses the Reprise License Manager (RLM) system to administer network licenses. This easy-to-use tool can be downloaded, along with instructions, here:

Although the network license server software is configured by default to not run on virtual machines, if you require a license to run in a virtual environment, please contact

The recommended way to install the network license server software on the server machine is to download and run the installation file linked above. This automatically installs and starts the software without the need to also install other end-user software on the server, thus keeping the footprint to a minimum.

Alternatively, when you specify an activation key for a network license within a LimitState product, the software will provide you with the option of automatically installing and running the RLM network license server. In this case the license server is installed as a Windows Service, which means that the license server will automatically start whenever the PC is rebooted. 

License server tasks can also be performed manually, and the license server can be started by running the rlm.exe file distributed with the software. Refer to the Installation and Licensing Guide for more details.