Terms & Conditions
These terms and conditions apply to the use of a LimitState Discount Coupon, issued by LimitState Limited, UK Company No. 05930939.
Using a LimitState Discount Coupon means that you accept these conditions. If another person is using your Discount Coupon they are also bound by these terms and conditions.
1. Proof of eligibility for any discounts claimed may be requested by LimitState before any software and / or license is provided.
2. LimitState reserves the right to verify the validity of claims and to disqualify any claimant who tampers with the claim process or who submits a claim that is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. All claims will be subject to the LimitState’s validation and verification checks and LimitState's decision is final.
3. Multiple Discount Coupons can be used in the same transaction.
4. LimitState Discount Coupons cannot be redeemed for cash.
5. If a claimant wishes to return one or more product(s) from their transaction, the claimant may receive a refund for the amount of the returned product(s) less the value of the Discount Coupon.
Discount Types
Small Business Discounts
Available on purchases of LimitState software by organizations of 2 engineers or fewer.
International Discounts
Available on purchases of LimitState software by organizations whose head office and principal business is in a country with a low GDP per capita.