[WEBINAR] Better 2D reinforcement Analysis & design With LimitState:GEO (A Step-By-Step Guide)

24th April 2024, 12:30 - 13:00 BST

Soil reinforcement is a common feature of many geotechnical solutions, especially those involving slope and embankment stabilisation.

LimitState:GEO offers engineers a more precise and efficient method for determining critical failure mechanisms and margins of safety across multiple problem types, all within a single platform.

Join product originator, Prof. Colin Smith as he takes you on a step-by-step journey through incorporating 2D geosynthetic reinforcing elements into your geotechnical analysis and design using LimitState:GEO with a focus on embankment stabilisation.


  • The analytical advantages and workflow improvements offered by LimitState:GEO.

  • Practical methods for utilising LimitState:GEO's "Engineered Element" material when modelling geotextiles and various 2D reinforcement types.

  • Techniques for utilising LimitState:GEO to quickly identify critical failure mechanisms and safety margins in embankment projects employing geosynthetic soil reinforcement.