Recent Research Papers Using LimitState:RING
Masonry arch analysis software LimitState:RING is used by engineers worldwide to model and understand their bridges. Various versions of the software are also used by academics throughout the world and here we highlight three papers which discuss modelling specific bridges in some detail.
Geometric issues and ultimate load capacity of masonry arch bridges from the northwest Iberian Peninsula
The University of Minho researchers performed a study which involved the modelling of 59 highway bridges throughout northern Portugal and north-western Spain, including both single and multi-span structures. The paper presents a parametric assessment of the load-carrying capacity of a series of reference bridges and a discussion of the results in relation to the importance arch thickness and physical properties play in terms of ultimate load-carrying capacity.
RING, which incorporates the rigid-block method of analysis, was used extensively:
“Among the available computational methods proposed in the literature with which to evaluate the load-carrying capacity of masonry arch bridges, the rigid block computational limit analysis method is the most generally applicable.”
Critical failure mechanism of multi-span bridge from Oliveira, Lourenço and Lemosa
Discrete element analysis of a stone masonry arch
This Hungarian study performed detailed simulations of single and multi-span bridges using a discrete element method code, specifically looking at the effect of backfill on the collapse load. LimitState:RING 2.0 was used for control calculations to determine the maximum load.
The study found that:
“the load-bearing capacity given by [DEM code] UDEC is in good agreement with the results based on the kinematic method provided by the software RING 2.0.”
Structural Analysis of Historic Masonry Arch Bridges: Case Study of Clemente Bridge on Savio River
The University of Bologna researchers modelled the Celente Bridge, a multi-span masonry arch bridge crossing the Savio River in Cesena, Italy, using LimitState:RING 3.0. The aim was to determine the static capacity, under live loading as prescribed by Italian codes of practice, for models with and without ring separation (debonding) between the arch rings.
Although the failure mechanisms identified by LimitState:RING were similar, a 45% reduction in load carrying capacity was identified in the ring-separated case. The authors plan to expand on this work by modelling the distribution of observed cracks.
Clemente bridge, modelled with LimitState:RING by Nobile, Bartolomeo and Bonagura