DSBY/IABSE meeting on automated yield-line analysis: Copenhagen, Denmark
An evening meeting on the automated yield-line method for concrete slabs is being organised jointly by DSBY (the Danish Society for Structural Science and Engineering, one of the oldest societies of its kind in the world) and IABSE Denmark. The meeting will be held at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) on Thursday 16 June 2016 at 17:15.
In the presentation LimitState Director and Professor at the University of Sheffield, Matthew Gilbert will describe the newly automated yield-line formulation and its practical application to a range of problems in buildings and bridges. The LimitState:SLAB automated yield-line analysis software will be used to generate the numerical results shown in the presentation.
The yield-line method was pioneered in the 20th century in Denmark by K.W. Johansen, who was also a past chairman of DSBY. In 2014 Matthew Gilbert and colleagues at the University of Sheffield explained in a paper published by the Royal Society how the method could be systematically automated.
If you are interested in attending further details about the meeting are available.