Webinar: Streamlining Highway Masonry Arch Bridge Assessment to CS 454 and CIRIA C800 with LimitState:RING
Transform Your Highway Masonry Arch Bridge Assessment Process
Thursday 23rd January 2025 | 12:30 - 13:00 GMT
Discover how to efficiently evaluate masonry arch bridges to Ultimate and Permissible Limit States (ULS and PLS) in accordance with CS 454 and CIRIA C800. Learn how LimitState:RING, the leading masonry arch analysis software, simplifies workflow and enhances your assessment process.
In this session, Dr Thomas Pritchard will guide you through the key features of LimitState:RING, including:
Quick and easy ULS assessment to CS 454, using the LimitState:RING new bridge wizard.
How the software enables assessment to avoid long-term load-induced degradation, aligned with both the CS 454 'Cmin' and CIRIA C800 'PLS' methodologies.
Using built-in template files to quickly model and analyse highway masonry arch bridges.
Applying CS 454 load vehicles and defining your own, custom loads.
Automatic handling of multiple loading cases and scenarios, streamlining your workflow and saving valuable time.